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Opening the utility
Using the utility
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No window opens when I click "Use the system"
  • You may have a utility that keeps Pop-up windows form opening.
  • Java may be disabled in your browser. Use the web browser's preferences to enable Java applets.
Else, please tell us what you are experiencing:
  • Computer platform (i.e.: Windows 2000)
  • Browser and version (i.e.: Internet Explorer 6.1)
  • Java setting (i.e.: Java applets enabled, Sun Java 2 v1.41_01)
All I get is a light gray window Your computer may not have sufficient RAM memory.
Your browser may run an older version of Java.
Please see the requirements.
Also please tell us what you are experiencing:
  • Computer platform (i.e.: Windows 2000)
  • Browser and version (i.e.: Internet Explorer 6.1)
  • Java setting (i.e.: Java applets enabled, Sun Java 2 v1.41_01)
Also, please report what the applet shows (at the bottom of the window):
  • "Receiving HTML document..."
  • "Applet loaded"
  • "Applet PartNumber loaded"
  • "Applet started"
  • "Applet PartNumber started"
  • "Applet PartNumber running"
  • "Applet PartNumber not inited"
  • "Applet PartNumber can't start: ERROR"

  Is there a red "X" at the top left of the window?

  If possible, please report what the Java console says.
Where it is depends on the browser. Try:
  • Menu View/Java messages
  • Menu Window/Special/Java Console
  • Menu Communicator/Tools/Java Console
  • Double click the system tray icon at the bottom right that is supposed to look like a steaming coffe cup

Question Possible answer
Link buttons don't appear That's a known problem with older versions of Java on IE on the Mac. Please upgrade your browser.
2-D pop-up appears the 1st time I use it but not the second time That's a known problem with Java on IE on the Mac. The 2-D pop-up did open, but it's behind the main window. Click again to bring it to the front.
All the pop-up menus say "Recent". That's a known problem with Netscape 6.0 on the Mac. Please use a different browser.
There's a small window on the screen called "Dummy" This happens occasionally with Netscape on Windows. It is created in order to open 2-D pop-ups, and then hidden, but at times it stays visible.